SDSU Meal Plans. 2025-2026


Meals + Weekly Debit Dollars

  • 10 meals per academic year (valued up to $19.50 each) accepted at The Garden Restaurant and UTK. Meals roll over until the end of the academic year.
  • $169.30/week in debit dollars ($33.86/day). Debit dollars are deposited Mondays and expire Fridays (adjusted for shorter campus weeks), and do not roll over weekly.


Meals + Weekly Debit Dollars

  • 10 meals per academic year (valued up to $19.50 each) accepted at The Garden Restaurant and UTK. Meals roll over until the end of the academic year.
  • $198.73/week in debit dollars ($28.39/day). Debit dollars are deposited Mondays and expire Sundays (adjusted for shorter campus weeks), and do not roll over weekly.


Meals + Declining Debit Dollars

  • 3 meals per week (102 meals per academic year, valued up to $19.50 each) accepted at The Garden Restaurant and UTK.
  • $153.23/week in debit dollars ($21.88/day).
  • Meals and debit dollars roll over until the end of the academic year if the plan is maintained for spring.

Rates & Payments

More information on rates & payments can be found here.